EPBCN stands for “Espacio PsicoanalĂtico de Barcelona”. It is a psychoanalytic institution I created in 1996. I have been the manager (“Director”) at EPBCN from the moment I founded it until February, 2023, where I stepped down, in favour of Ms. Mar MartĂn.
Why do I mention EPBCN several times, in this web? Because I am grateful. To the institution itself, and to my colleagues. A reader could well say: “Hey, but you were the founder and the owner, you could have done as you pleased, anyway. Why the need to be grateful?”.
The truth is that this is not how we work, at EPBCN. One thing is that I founded the Espacio, and another one is that my colleagues, the rest of the team, are nothing more than obedient slaves. If they had not been loving and encouraging; if they had not had the patience and the understanding to deal with me while I was designing or programming (and I am not precisely easy to deal with, as I tend to get extremely self-absorbed, as in the occasions when I am doing maths); if they had not acted as meticulous beta-testers for each of my new programs, my work would have been much harder and slower, less pleasurable... and the final results, that is essential too, would not have been so nice and useful as they currently are. General hapiness and effectivity would have resented.
And the institution? Well, it has provided me with virtually unlimited computer resources: two fast fiber lines; more computers than I would ever need, including a powerful desktop and two fantastic portables; backup drives, great screens, docking stations, etc... But, above all, what EPBCN has given me is ample time, an invaluable resource when one wants to develop programs. And freedom. We discuss everything between ourselves, but my colleagues have been so generous as to learn to trust my instincts. My impression is that I have not found an occasion to disappoint them. Some of the components of our web have been laboriously written and rewritten for more than 20 years, and they are still being modified, enhanced, tweaked: one needs a lot of time for that. And a lot of freedom, too.
So: freedom, time and resources; patience and love; devoted beta-testers... How could I not be grateful?