Rexx Fenced code blocks
The FencedCode routine processes Markdown-style Rexx fenced code blocks and highlights its contents according to a set of provided options.
FencedCode is language-agnostic, in the sense that it is only interested in processing the Rexx fenced code blocks. This means that you can use it to highlight Markdown files, but, additionally, if you are willing to use the Markdown fenced code block format in other contexts, you can also highlight, for example, code blocks present in html files.
An array of strings containing the code (usually, Markdown or HTML) containing the Rexx fenced code blocks we want to highlight.
A new array where all the Rexx fenced code blocks are substituted by their highlighted versions.
- Both
markers are accepted, but they should start on column 1. - You can use three or more backticks or twiddles, but the closing marker has to have exactly the same number of backticks or twiddles than the opening one.
- You cannot start with
and end with~~~
, or viceversa. - The word
has to follow the backtick or twiddle marker, with or without intervening blanks or tabs. Code blocks that are not marked withrexx
will not be processed by this routine. - If you want to specify additional attributes, you may do so by
enclosing them between braces after the
marker. Blanks and/or tabs afterrexx
and before the left brace are optional.
~~~rexx {attributes}
Optional attributes
Attributes are blank-separated booleans, which are usually preceded
by a dot, or name=value
pairs. When a value contains
blanks, it has to be enclosed in single or double quotes.
~~~rexx {.boolean1 name1=value1 .boolean2 name2="long value" ...}
Possible attributes are:
assignment= "group" | "full" | "detail"
Determines how assignment operator sequences will be highlighted. When "group" is specified, a single, generic, HTML class will be assigned to every assignment sequence. When "detail" is specified, every assigment sequence will get its own, different, HTML class (this means, for example, that all simple assignments, "=", will be assigned the same HTML class, all "+=" assignments will be assigned a different class, and so on). When "full" is specified, both a generic and a specific class will be assigned, in This order.
classprefix= "rx-"
Define the class prefix used for HTML classes. Default is "rx-".
compound= "full" | "yes" | "1" | "true"
Use full detailed compound variable tail highlighing.
compound= "variable" | "no" | "0" | "false"
Highlight compound variables as a whole.
constant= "group" | "full" | "detail"
Determines how taken constants (strings or symbols taken as a constant) will be highlighted.
Allows all characters in string to be part of identifiers.
The string has to be specified between quotes. For example, if you
specify extraletters="@#$"
the following will be valid
-- The following is a standard Rexx and ooRexx variable
var = 1
-- The next variables are considered to have valid names
-- only because extraletters="@#$" was specified
var@ = 2
var# = 3
var$ = 4
Include line numbers in the code listing:
If a = b Then Say "Yes"
Else Say "No"
See also numberWidth and startFrom.
Ensures that the line numbers will occupy at least width characters in the listing. The highlighter may use more that width characters if this is necessary to correctly display the line numbers.
See also .numberLines and startFrom.
operator= "group" | "full" | "detail"
Determines how operator character sequences will be highlighted.
Ensures that ::RESOURCE
data lines and doc-comments will
be padded up to column if they have less than column
characters. This may be useful when using contrasting backgrounds,
because it will ensure that the whole resource/comment displays as a
-- This code block is using "pad=80" and a high-contrast style patch for --
-- ::RESOURCE data lines. --
::Resource Text END "The End"
Haya o no haya haya en La Haya,
me dice mi aya que alla en La Haya
el haya se halla.
The End
File filename will contain the style patch file applied to this code block. Filename is relative to the file containing the code block.
Read the code to highlight from filename instead of the code block. Filename is relative to the file containing the code block.
special= "group" | "full" | "detail"
Determines the highlighting of special character sequences.
When used with the .numberLines
option, set the line
number of the first line to nnn.
See also .numberLines and numberWidth.
-- This small listing will start at line 97
See also .numberLines.
Enclose the code with a <div
tag. Default is
Enables experimental TUTOR-flavored Unicode support.
See also unicode.
Enables experimental TUTOR-flavored Unicode support..
See also tutor.
An example: the
program source
The program listing below is produced by inserting the two following lines in the HTML source.
~~~rexx {source=../../../cls/FencedCode.cls}
Here is the program output:
/* */
/* FencedCode.cls - Highlight Rexx fenced code blocks */
/* ================================================== */
/* */
/* This program is part of the Rexx Parser package */
/* [See] */
/* */
/* Copyright (c) 2024-2025 Josep Maria Blasco <> */
/* */
/* License: Apache License 2.0 ( */
/* */
/* Date Version Details */
/* -------- ------- --------------------------------------------------------- */
/* 20241206 0.1 First public release */
/* 20241206 0.1a Add "extraletters" attribute */
/* 20241219 0.1c Skip non-rexx code blocks */
/* 20241222 Add "filename" parameter, relativize source= and patch= */
/* Add ".numberLines", "startFrom", "numberWidth" and "pad" */
/* 20250104 0.1f Add "unicode" and "tutor" options */
/* 20250106 Change "patch" to "patchfile", and add "patch='patches'" */
/* 20250120 Add size attribute (HTML only) */
/* 20250222 0.2 Add drive to path for requires */
/* */
-- Arguments:
-- Filename:
-- A filename providing the context for the source array.
-- Its path component is used as the base to determine other file
-- locations, for example, when source= or patchfile= are specified,
-- their corresponding filenames are relative to the "filename" path.
-- Source:
-- An array of strings. The code (usually, Markdown or HTML)
-- containing the Rexx fenced code blocks we want to highlight.
-- Returns:
-- A new array where all the Rexx fenced code blocks are substituted
-- by their highlighted versions.
-- * Both the "```" and "~~~" markers are accepted, but they should start
-- on column 1.
-- * You can use three or more backticks or twiddles, but the closing marker
-- has to have exactly the same number of backticks or twiddles than the
-- opening one.
-- * You cannot start with "```" and end with "~~~", or viceversa.
-- * The word "rexx" has to follow "```" or "~~~", with or without
-- intervening blanks or tabs. Code blocks that are not marked with "rexx"
-- will not be processed by this routine.
-- * If you want to specify additional attributes, you may do so by enclosing
-- them between braces after the "rexx" marker. Blanks and/or tabs after
-- "rexx" and before the left brace are optional.
-- ```rexx {attributes}
-- Optional attributes:
-- Attributes are name=value pairs, separated by whitespace. When a value
-- contains blanks, it has to be enclosed in single or double quotes.
-- ```rexx {name1=value1 name2="long value" ...}
-- Possible name/value pairs are:
-- assignment= "group" | "full" | "detail"
-- Determines how assignment operator sequences will be highlighted.
-- When "group" is specified, a single, generic, HTML class will be
-- assigned to every assignment sequence. When "detail" is specified,
-- every assigment sequence will get its own, different, HTML class
-- (this means, for example, that all simple assignments, "=", will
-- be assigned the same HTML class, all "+=" assignments will be
-- assigned a different class, and so on). When "full" is specified,
-- both a generic and a specific class will be assigned.
-- classprefix= "rx-"
-- Define the class prefix used for HTML classes. Default is "rx-".
-- compound= "full" | "yes" | "1" | "true"
-- Use full detailed compound variable tail highlighing.
-- compound= "variable" | "no" | "0" | "false"
-- Highlight compound variables as a whole
-- constant= "group" | "full" | "detail"
-- Determines how taken constants (strings or symbols taken as a
-- constant) will be highlighted.
-- extraletters= <string>
-- Allows symbols to contain characters present in <string>, which should
-- be specified between quotes.
-- .numberLines (or .number-lines)
-- [Please note that the leading dot is necessary!]
-- The code listing will include line numbers on the left.
-- numberWidth=width
-- Ensures that the line numbers will occupy at least width characters.
-- The highlighter may use more that width characters if this is
-- necessary to correctly display the line numbers.
-- operator= "group" | "full" | "detail"
-- Determines how operator character sequences will be highlighted.
-- pad=column
-- Ensures that ::RESOURCE data lines and documentation comments
-- will be padded up to column if they have less than column
-- characters. This may be useful when using contrasting backgrounds,
-- because it will ensure that the whole resource/comment
-- displays as a rectangle.
-- patch="<patches>"
-- A semicolon-separated list of style patches to be applied
-- to the code block.
-- patchfile=<filename>
-- <filename> will contain the style patch file applied to this code block.
-- Filename is relative to the file containing the code block.
-- size=<size>
-- Add style="font-size:<size>" to the <pre> block (HTML only).
-- source=<filename>
-- Read the code to highlight from <filename> instead of the code block.
-- Filename is relative to the file containing the code block.
-- special= "group" | "full" | "detail"
-- Determines the highlighting of special character sequences.
-- startFrom=nnn
-- When used with .numberLines, "nnn" will be the line number
-- of the first line in the listing.
-- style=<style>
-- Enclose the code with a <div class="highlight-rexx-<style>"> tag.
-- Default is "dark".
-- Dependencies --
-- ::REQUIRES does not work well with "../" paths
package = .context~package
local = package~local
mypath = FileSpec( "Drive", package~name )FileSpec( "Path", package~name )
local ~ . = .File~new( mypath"../" )~absolutePath -- Creates ".."
Call Requires .."/Rexx.Parser.cls"
Call Requires .."/cls/Highlighter.cls"
package~addPackage( .Package~new( Arg(1) ) )
::Requires "StylePatch.cls"
-- Main routine --
::Routine FencedCode Public
Use Strict Arg filename, source
tab = "09"X
-- Forms to start a code block we are interested in
OK. = 0
OK.["rexx" ] = 1 -- "~~~rexx", and no attributes
OK.["rexx " ] = 1 -- "~~~rexx <attributes>"
OK.["rexx{" ] = 1 -- "~~~rexx{<attributes>}"
OK.["rexx"tab] = 1 -- "~~~rexx<tab><attributes>"
processed = .Array~new
-- We need a WHILE condition because the source array may change
Loop Label Outer lineNo = 1 By 1 While lineNo < source~items
line = source[lineNo]
-- A fenced code block starts with "```" or "~~~"
If line[1,3] \== "```", line[1,3] \== "~~~" Then Iterate
-- We may have more than three characters before the language name
char = line[1]
attributes = Strip( line, "Leading", char )
-- Remember how many backticks or twiddles we found
chars = Length(line) - Length(attributes)
-- End marker
marker = Copies(char, chars)
-- Allow whitespace after ``` or ~~~.
attributes = Strip( attributes )
-- It was not "rexx ", "rexx<tab>" or "rexx{<something>" after all.
-- We should skip the whole code block, because it may contain
-- rexx blocks inside (with less twiddles or backticks).
If \attributes~startsWith("rexx") | \OK.[ attributes[1,5] ] Then Do
lineNo += 1
If lineNo > source~items Then Exit MissingEndMarker()
line = source[lineNo]
If line == marker Then Iterate Outer
-- Parse code block parameters
options. = ParseOptions( filename, attributes )
-- Look for the end marker
start = lineNo
lines = source~items
end = start + 1
Loop While end <= lines, source[end] \== marker
end += 1
-- No end marker? That's an error
If end > lines Then Exit MissingEndMarker()
-- Get the highligthed version of our code block
highlighted = ProcessACodeBlock( source, start, end, options. )
-- Up to line (start-1) there is nothing to change
processed~appendAll( source~section( 1, start - 1 ) )
-- We now copy the highlighted lines
processed~appendAll( highlighted )
processed~delete( processed~last ) -- Last line is an artifact
-- Now update our source...
source = source~section( end + 1 )
-- ... and update lineNo (remembering that LOOP will add 1 to it)
lineNo = 0
-- Copy any remaining line in the source array
Do line Over source
Return processed
Raise Syntax 88.900 -
Additional("Missing end marker for code block starting at line "lineNo)
-- ParseOptions -- Parse the options after "```rexx" --
::Routine ParseOptions Private
-- Default options
Options. = 0
Options.compound = 1 -- Full display of compound variables
Options.operator = "group" -- All operators are displayed the same
Options.special = "group" -- All specials are displayed the same
Options.constant = "full" -- Flexibility with taken constants
Options.assignment = "group" -- Assignments are displayed the same = "dark" -- Dark style is the default
Options.classprefix = "rx-" -- Default HTML class prefix is "rx-"
Options.["SOURCE"] = "" -- No external source by default
Options.patch = "" -- No patch file by default
Options.html = 1 -- This is HTML highlighting
Options.startFrom = 1 -- Start at line 1
Use Strict arg filename, options
-- Store the file path, for source=, patchfile=, etc.
Options.path = .File~new( filename )~parent
-- Skip "rexx" and strip blanks
options = Strip( SubStr(options,5) )
-- No options? We are done
If options == "" Then Return options.
-- Options must start with a "{" character...
If options[1] \== "{" Then Exit BadOptions()
-- ...and end with a "}" character.
If \options~endsWith("}") Then Exit BadOptions()
options = SubStr( options,2,Length(options)-2 )
Loop While options \== ""
Parse Var options option options
If option~contains("=") Then Do
Parse Var option option"="value
c = value[1]
If """'"~contains( c ) Then Do -- Values between quotes
Parse Value value options With (c)value(c) options
lOption = Lower( option )
Select Case lOption
When "extraletters" Then Options.extraletters = value
When "classprefix" Then Options.classprefix = value
When "startfrom" Then Options.startfrom = value
When "source" Then Options.["SOURCE"] = value
When "pad" Then Options.pad = value
When "numberwidth" Then Options.numberwidth = Integer(value,2,5)
When "patchfile" Then Options.patchfile = value
When "patch" Then Options.patch = value
When "style" Then = value
When "size" Then Options.size = value
When "compound" Then
Select Case Lower(value)
When "full", "yes", "1", "true" Then Options.compound = 1
When "variable", "no", "0", "false" Then Options.compound = 0
Otherwise Exit BadValue()
When "operator" Then
Select Case Lower(value)
When "group", "full", "detail" Then Options.operator = Lower(value)
Otherwise Exit BadValue()
When "special" Then
Select Case Lower(value)
When "group", "full", "detail" Then Options.special = Lower(value)
Otherwise Exit BadValue()
When "constant" Then
Select Case Lower(value)
When "group", "full", "detail" Then Options.constant = Lower(value)
Otherwise Exit BadValue()
When "assignment" Then
Select Case Lower(value)
When "group", "full", "detail" Then Options.assignment = Lower(value)
Otherwise Exit BadValue()
Otherwise Exit BadOption()
Else Do -- Options does not contain "="
Select Case option
When "unicode", "tutor" Then Options.unicode = .True
When ".numberLines", ".number-lines" Then Options.numberLines = .True
Otherwise Nop -- Exit BadOption()
Return options.
Integer: Procedure Expose lOption
Use Arg value, min, max
If DataType(value,"I"), value >= min, value <= max Then Return value
Raise Syntax 88.900 Additional("Invalid value '"value"' for '"lOption"'. Expecting an integer between" min "and" max)
Raise Syntax 88.900 Additional("Invalid option '"option"'")
Raise Syntax 88.900 Additional("Invalid value '"value"'")
Raise Syntax 88.900 Additional("Invalid options '"options"'")
-- ProcessACodeBlock --
::Routine ProcessACodeBlock
Use Strict Arg source, start, end, options.
-- Process patch files, if any
patches = .Nil
If options.patch \== "" Then Do
patches = .StylePatch~of( Options.patch )
Else If options.patchfile \== "" Then Do
fn = options.path"/"options.patchfile
patches = CharIn(fn,1,Chars(fn))~makeArray
patches = .StylePatch~of( patches )
Call Stream fn,"c","close"
fn = options.["SOURCE"]
-- Implement ```rexx {source=filename}
If fn \== "" Then Do
fn = options.path"/"fn
chars = CharIn(fn,1,Chars(fn))
Call Stream fn,"c","close"
array = chars~makeArray
-- Compensate for makearray definition
If chars~endsWith("0a"x) Then array~append("")
Else Do
array = source~section( start + 1, end - start - 1)
highligthter = .Highlighter~new("", array, options.)
Return highligthter~parse( patches )
Raise Syntax 88.900 -
Additional("Missing end marker '-->' for code block at line "start)