First steps

First steps

  • Open a terminal shell in the installation directory, and cd to the utils subdirectory. Run the highlight.rex program passing sample.html as an argument:

    rexx highlight.rex ./sample.html

    You should see output similar to the following (line breaks have been added for readability):

    <!doctype html><html lang='en'>
        <link rel='stylesheet' href='/rexx.parser/css/rexx-dark.css'>
    Sample text
    <div class="highlight-rexx-dark">
    <span class="rx-kw">If</span><span class="rx-ws"> </span>
    <span class="rx-var">a</span><span class="rx-ws"> </span>
    <span class="rx-op">=</span><span class="rx-ws"> </span>
    <span class="rx-var">b</span><span class="rx-ws"> </span>
    <span class="rx-kw">Then</span><span class="rx-ws"> </span>
    <span class="rx-var">c</span>
    Last line
  • Now look at the source of highlight.rex and inspect sample.html too. You have just seen the Rexx HTML highlighter in action!

  • Now, in the same directory, run elements.rex with ./hi.rex as an argument.

    rexx elements ./hi.rex

    You should see output similar to the following:

    elements.rex run on 15 Feb 2025 at 10:54:37
    Examining hi.rex...
    Elements marked '>' are inserted by the parser.
    Elements marked 'X' are ignorable.
    Compound symbol components are distinguished with a '->' mark.
    [   from  :    to   ] >X 'value' (class)
     --------- ---------  -- ---------------------------
    [    1   1:    1   1] >  ';' (a EL.END_OF_CLAUSE)
    [    1   1:    1   4]    'SAY' (a EL.KEYWORD)
    [    1   4:    1   5]  X ' ' (a EL.WHITESPACE)
    [    1   5:    1   9]    'Hi' (a EL.STRING)
    [    1   9:    1   9] >  ';' (a EL.END_OF_CLAUSE)
    [    1   9:    1   9] >  '' (a EL.IMPLICIT_EXIT)
    [    1   9:    1   9] >  ';' (a EL.END_OF_CLAUSE)
    [    1   9:    1   9] >  '' (a EL.END_OF_SOURCE)
    [    1   9:    1   9] >  ';' (a EL.END_OF_CLAUSE)
    Total: 9 elements and 0 compound symbol elements examined.
  • You can now browse the Rexx Highligther page, if you please, where you will find several new programs to run.

  • If you want to implement your own Rexx highlighter (recommended! :)), you will find a nice utility to do so in the Highligther page. You will also need some CSS files. The ones I am using in this site (which are fairly incomplete, specially the light background one!) can be found in the css subdirectory.

  • Take a look at the HTML Highlighter page, and follow the links there, specially the features one.

  • For a beautiful highlighting example of a medium-sized (~750 lines) source program, see this program, which defines all the element categories, category sets and subcategories.

  • Take a look at the documentation about the Element API.

  • And, finally... please give feedback! Your feedback is important. Seriously! :) You can reach me at .